ドイツのフラウンホーファー研究所が(独)Reiling GmbH & Co.と共同で、廃棄太陽光パネルから回収したシリコンを100%使用して、新しいPERC太陽電池の製造に再利用するソリューションを開発したと発表を行い、海外WEBメディアの一斉に報じています。
In order to be able to reuse the silicon, researchers from the Fraunhofer Center for Silicon Photovoltaics CSP and the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE together with the largest German recycling company for PV modules, Reiling GmbH & Co. KG, have developed a solution, in which the silicon in the discarded modules was recycled on an industrial scale and reused to produce new PERC solar cells.

For the process, solar cell fragments are separated and collected from by-products of the mechanical recycling process, which is already established. At Fraunhofer CSP, the cell fragments with sizes from 0.1 to 1 millimeter are first freed from the glass and plastic by various sorting processes. This is followed by the step-by-step removal of the backside contact, the silver contacts, the anti-reflective layer and finally the emitter by wet chemical etching. The silicon cleaned in this way is processed into monocrystalline or quasi-monocrystalline ingots in standard processes and then into wafers.
The crystallization is carried out with 100 percent recycled silicon without the addition of commercial ultrapure silicon.
同様の取組みは韓国でも研究が進んでおり、2021年8月には韓国エネルギー技術研究院 (KIER : Korea Institute of Energy Research)が廃棄パネルから回収したシリコンから6インチの単結晶インゴットとウエハーを製造し、20.05%の高効率太陽電池を製造したと発表されています。
The scientists were also able to refine the silicon recovered from waste panels to make six-inch single crystal ingots and wafers. The wafers were used to manufacture a 20.05%, high-efficiency solar cell. “Recycling a ton of discarded photovoltaic modules means a reduction of 1.2 tons of greenhouse emissions,” said KIER researcher Jinseok Lee. “So this technique is crucial to achieving a net-zero economy.”
引用元:PV magazine
ソース:海外ニュース:Fraunhofer~100%リサイクルシリコンからの太陽電池セル製造プロセスを開発 – PVリサイクル.com® (pv-recycle.com)